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Oakbridge Special Education


Oakbridge Special Education is recognised by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) as a Specialist Post-16 Institution (SPI) and in 2023-24 is initially funded for 26 places. However, we continue to grow as a provision, and are very happy to expand our support to our students and their families. 

We began life as a department of Oak Lodge School in East Finchley, but since 2018 have functioned as an independent provision. Originally based at the Scout Camp in Mill Hill, we are now operating at our own site in Edgware High Street.

We offer a two-year course to develop our student's independence and life skills that prepares them for the next stage of their life.

Our curriculum offer aims to meet the highly personalised needs of young adults with autism and complex learning difficulties, to develop their emerging skills.

We have recently received our first Ofsted inspection visit. The published report can be viewed by clicking here on the Ofsted website.

We welcome the opportunity to meet prospective applicants and their parents/carers. Please contact us to arrange an appointment via this website, by email to info@oakbridgesen.org, or by direct telephone 0203 026 0611.